Part time dating website

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Online daters tend to identify with more liberal social attitudes, compared with all Americans or all internet users. There might be an gusto charge to attend these events, or it might be included within the price of the membership. The candidate must place great value on building trust with these horses while learning the basic aids. Part time dating website may also carefully manipulate profiles as a form of. And our time I have sincere my rules. Had to close chats with online because of this problem. They will never offer to meet you or call you. Just remember to be genuine. At ConsumerAffairs we take privacy seriously, please refer to our to learn more about how we keep you solo. I never got a reply again from anyone. Roll your shoulders back and down and relax your facial expression.

Original review: July 13, 2018 The site appears to be a scam... Most every message received is from out of state, with the same M. They disappear quick once you let them know. I specified local contacts, daily I would get profiles from all over the east coast. Save your time and money, steer clear of OurTime. Original review: July 13, 2018 I signed up yesterday with ourtime. I filled out everything and uploaded some pictures. Of course, with a free account you are not able to see who it was. One has to subscribe in order to see this info. This was going on throughout most of the night. Original review: July 13, 2018 When I tentatively joined to have a look, I got stalled according to their estimation, at 18% complete, so I gave up and went to bed. Then began a steady stream of notifications, asking for money, showing me my matches, flirts, propositions etc. Although I unsubscribed successfully, by their reply numerous times, the spam just kept coming, 24 hours a day. Women from as far away from Edmonton as Des Moines Iowa were apparently desperate to meet a guy with no picture and an 18% profile. I have successfully, according to their warped command of the English language unsubscribed a bunch more times, but the spam just keeps coming. Avoid these charlatans the way you would a steaming mound of Ebola vomit. Original review: July 12, 2018 Where do I begin? This site is full of scammers and catfish! I have connected online with three people and they all turned out to be scammers. The latest forgot to mention on his profile that he has a child. He sent a phone number for texting, which belonged to a woman probably the wife? When I declined his offer to meet for lunch, he sent a tirade about things I will not write here, but suffice it to say that he would have made me a 65 year old sex slave if he had his way! Also my matches rarely had anything to do with what I wanted as far as level of education, even got some from women... STAY AWAY FROM THIS BUSINESS. You have been forewarned. Original review: July 11, 2018 If you make any indication in your profile that you cannot IMMEDIATELY respond to messages for any reason, your profile essay will get declined. The terms of service say that you cannot say that you are not paying member. Which means they want everybody to appear as if they can respond to you immediately, whether they can or not. But what OurTime does not tell you is that you cannot not state that you are unable to immediately respond to messages FOR ANY REASON. For example, you cannot say the following... Original review: July 3, 2018 Just signed up for OurTime after having a free account for a couple of months that I did not use. It seemed like a safe site and connected to Match. Decided to add photos to my profile on the free account but when I did, the photos were tagged as pending for 2 days in a row. On 3rd day when I tried to log in, my account was not accessible so I called the customer service number given on the message displayed. The CS rep was pleasant and tried to retrieve my account but after searching several ways, she could not find any evidence of an account being set up. She suggested I start over with new account. I did and decided to give it a shot and try the paid subscription. Of course, I was horrified! The site sent multiple communications to some members making me look like a stalker! I've now read here that other members have experienced the same. I also read about the automatic renewal issue and have gone in and disabled this feature and will watch my credit card. It's been 2 days and the site seems pretty scary. After reading some of the reviews here, I am considering just deleting my profile. I was only on that site for about a week before beginning a long term relationship with someone I met on the site. Match experience was a bit overwhelming but seemed more reputable than this offshoot. I guess I'll give it a week and see what happens. I'm sure there must be some normal people on the site - or maybe they all get quickly disgusted with it and get off? I'm very hesitant to communicate with anyone on the site after reading about some of the scams and fake profiles others have experienced. Original review: July 3, 2018 This website is an absolute joke and a fraud besides. They show you a photo of a person and when you try to pursue it, it often turns out to be a different person in a different city. DO NOT join this site. Customer service is non-existent. They connect you to someone in the Philippines and then that person refuses to allow a supervisor to come on because they are told just to repeat the same lines over and over. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Original review: July 1, 2018 I wanted to take a look at this website and provided little more than my email address. The website advertises that you can cancel at any time and your information will be deleted. I sent them email asking that they delete my account and information and they reply that the account, which existed for all of a few hours, was under review by their security folks and they can't delete it. It's the roach motel folks, you can get in but you can't get out. Luckily I didn't sign up or provide and personal information. Don't reply to any profile without a picture. Chances are, the people aren't real. In the text of profile look for inconsistencies and evidence of broken English. Use this site as ONLY one part of your social program and include meetup groups, volunteer work, time with family friends. Often, you have nothing in common. These are easy to spot because the photo looks like a professionally taken portrait in many cases and the profile will be sparse and generic. These are for appearance to encourage users and likely many set up by non-members - who knows why. Scammers do fish in these waters. This is just common sense... Do NOT provide your email, address or phone number right off the bat. Infidelity is not the site's issue - but is a fact of online dating. Statistics say 50%+ of actual members are either married or in a relationship and looking for something on the side or something better. Data is drama filled enough without throwing that into the equation. If they don't send a photo at some point, quickly cut your losses. I made a mistake of spending 2 months corresponding with a man who seemed wonderful, genuine, educated... I've never judged people based on appearance in fact the best looking men can be arrogant , so I let it continue. Just be aware of that. Original review: June 18, 2018 I joined OURTIME about 2 weeks ago. The first person that I began talking to said that his subscription was about out and asked if we could talk on Google hangout. This is the first dating site I have been on and didn't think anything of it when he asked to talk on Google hangout. After talking for a few times, I realized that English did not seem to be his primary language. He told me that he had a post graduate degree in Business Admin. I finally caught on and told him never to contact me again. Then began to receive some really nasty emails from people I didn't recognize. I didn't open them fearing he may be trying to install malware on my computer possibly trying to get my financial information. He asked if we could email each other. Should have learned my lesson. Just after two exchanges, this person began saying exactly the same thing the other person did. It was the same person, just different photos and had a different state that he supposedly lived in. I am appalled that this company, as much money as they take in, and with the ability to vet people, just allow this garbage to happen. Original review: June 10, 2018 From October 2017 to January 2018 my profile was hacked two times. Pictures and geographic location was changed. The company did little except to reset my password so I could get back in and fix my profile. When I let my membership lapse they were quick to offer a 50% discount subscription and suddenly I was getting messages and likes! However, I would have to pay to find out who. After each renewal the profiles that had liked me were withdrawn or no longer available. Yet they appeared on SeniorPeopleMeet another site owned by the same company. When I finally stopped my subscriptions I started to get spam mails to my regular email from OurTime which tried to get my credit card info by claiming I was due a refund. This site is a spam! Their concern for your information security is a joke, and the people who do respond are likely employees who are trying to get you to renew. Original review: June 8, 2018 This site seems to cater to Scammers. They are good looking and look younger than the profile says they are- 2nd clue. Most say they lost their wife or have been single for many years 3rd clue. And then they say they are out of the States but due back in a few months - 4 clue and then they want your phone number so you can get to know each other 5 clue. Seems like OurTime is actually the scammers. DO WASTE YOUR MONEY!!! Original review: June 6, 2018 Navigating this site is horrible. Don't waste your money. Constant pop ups annoy to no end and they have all these additional charges for stupid things like when the last time someone was online. And be careful to close your account after a month because it will charge your card automatically. I just tried to discontinue my account when my month is up and I still haven't found the link to my account info. They hide it --- at the time of this review I still haven't found it. Oh, and when you set your preferences, they keep injecting matches that you don't want and have to keep resetting... Original review: June 4, 2018 I only joined OurTime. I have had several flirts, and actually have been talking to one match almost exclusively. Very happy with the site, so far. The site is very easy to use, and I am quite impressed by the quality of the matches, and it has been fun reading and responding to the flirts and it is nice to know there are other who are also looking. However, there was a huge amount of emails the first day, a bit overwhelming but nothing to complain about. And the couple of obviously fake responses. Original review: June 4, 2018 Ladies, be very careful, just because someone is handsome and knows all the right things to say, does NOT mean they are worthy of you. I just had 78 thousand taken from me. Charmed me until I really got worried about mind control. I was doing whatever he asked of me. Check them out thoroughly. And don't assume they are giving the right name, or showing their true picture. We feel because the site is for older people, that we are safe. NOT TRUE AT ALL! Original review: June 2, 2018 I was very disappointed with the photos and profiles I was matched with. I did not find most of them to be a good match. Most of the people I was matched with were out of my preferred date range and photos were not up to date. The profiles of some members were not entirely honest. For example, when I said I was only interested in casual dating, I was matched with the same. However, some members were really interested in more than that. So I wasted my time in a lot of cases. I cancelled my one year membership 4 months early, forfeiting the money I had already paid, and never tried OurTime again. In fact, I was so mentally or emotionally exhausted after using the site for 8 months I never used a dating site again. I do not recommend people in my age group rely solely on a dating website. Original review: May 31, 2018 In general my experience was okay. It was very easy to use and to make a profile. The quality of the matches is sometimes hard to meet nice people but if you meet quite a few people eventually you do meet some nice people also. I liked that the people seemed a little more down-to-earth. When I used OurTime as opposed to just plain Plenty of Fish the people seemed a little more mature on that site and like they were genuinely interested in meeting someone. Original review: May 30, 2018 The website itself is very good, the matches though do not represent themselves like they truly are though but that it not the website's fault. It is an easy to use site and app and I will stick with it. I do like that it is geared more to a specific age range of people, it is better than a site that has a broad range and makes it more limiting to find someone age appropriate. Overall it is a decent site. Just haven't had much luck finding a good match on there. Original review: May 28, 2018 This site is NOT in real time. I found they would keep your profile even after you canceled your membership unless you requested specifically so. No wonder I did not get any response from the men I contacted. I was able to see in one of pages that they were last logged in a month ago, two months ago, 6 months ago. Also many different icons and pre-fixed messages are just so redundant and impersonal. I think most messages you get when you first join are the scammers, asking phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Anyways don't waste your energy on here! Original review: May 26, 2018 I wish zero stars was an option, this is supposed to be a dating site for over age 50 individuals. I spent over an hour answering all these questions and uploading profile photos and a few photos of landscapes I had taken since photography is one of my hobbies. Every few days all my photos would disappear, no reason given by the website. There is no support on the website to ask why my profile keeps getting changed and deleted. I make a six-figure salary and am highly educated and I am being matched with men who have completed some high-school and appear to be unemployed. This was a complete waste of time. I cancelled my subscription within about a week, but never received a refund from OurTime. This is a SCAM, they get all your money upfront and NEVER REFUND your MONEY. I was shocked by how disgusting my OurTime. You are able to put in certain criteria you are looking for, the OurTime. Even when you leave the site, OurTime. This is another part of their SCAM. Also, if the men do not look like gang members, they appear to be in their 70s or 80s, I am 43 and am looking for someone who is not older than my father. My advice, DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY or TIME with this USELESS OurTime. Original review: May 25, 2018 I signed up for this website a three days ago, completed ALL the questions, set my criteria for height and age range. Received a few emails, responded and asked questions. Never heard back from them. The matches that were selected for me, didn't meet any of my criteria, age, fitness, height. I called to cancel my 6 month subscription 3 days later and was told NOT POSSIBLE. Spoke to a Jeremy and was told supervisor would tell me NO also. STAY AWAY, they also run Match. Original review: May 25, 2018 There are some real people on this site. But, there are also a LOT of fake accounts. Guys who fall instantly in love and eventually ask for money... The worst part of the whole experience was finding out that the site was sending out messages on my behalf. I noticed in my mailbox a lot of replies and when I clicked to open there were messages sent to guys that I hadn't done! I would imagine to keep guys interested or to stop someone from deleting their profile and I imagine I got a few bogus messages too. I guess as punishment? Haha so I relogged on and needed a new password. Rode out the rest of my one month membership, and exchanged emails with a few men I thought sounded genuine... Original review: May 24, 2018 OurTime. I enjoyed the experience just sometimes too many matches. Sometimes I like to be able to respond to all who contact me. With so many matches it's hard to do that. Sometimes I don't have enough time to answer everyone. Original review: May 21, 2018 The pros, is that their app is easy to navigate. Had no problem with that. The desktop is a little more complicated but not hard. The cons is that there are quite a bit of scammers, but they seem to follow the same pattern. First they exchange a couple of emails with you, then they either ask for your email address or cell don't fall for this or they send this long email of how much they love you and age and distance should keep lovers apart or some such nonsense. Other problem is that my profile got highjacked several times. Getting help is limited, and although they said they cancelled my account and deleted my profile, I just got a notice that I have 89 messages waiting for me. Oh yeah, I've also been a 45 year old Latina, a 71 year man, a 30 year old gamer and I don't know what my profile looks like now since I can't even get into it. With this type of security I worry that the hackers will really get into their database and steal my data. They really need white hackers to test their site, because it's horrible. I would give them an F- in IT security. Original review: May 21, 2018 I agree with the majority of the folks who have given this site low reviews. The site is actually kind of hard to get through, with different filters for different things; and they are BURIED in the site itself, in places you would never think to look. I'm pretty savvy, and am on several other sites and none of them even Match. Give me a break. Why on this great earth would I spend my time responding to shadows? On other sites, they have different mechanisms, like buying the possibility to allow someone who is not a paying member to respond, or responding with a pre-fab message that is pretty bad, but... And you can't access your account if you are overseas. Which I am on a regular basis. So, my suggestion is pile your money up on the corner, light it on fire and flirt with the first person who comes to help you put out the fire. It will likely be more effective. OurTime is the largest dating site created specifically for the baby boomer market. This helps make your profile more visible to prospective matches. He is currently the CEO of Courtland Brooks, a consultancy agency for the Internet dating industry, and runs OnlinePersonalsWatch. He prides himself on being a New Media Futurist and can be reached at LinkedIn. At ConsumerAffairs we take privacy seriously, please refer to our to learn more about how we keep you protected. Advertisements on this site are placed and controlled by outside advertising networks. See the for more information. The information on our website is general in nature and is not intended as a substitute for competent legal advice. Copyright © 2018 Consumers Unified LLC. The contents of this site may not be republished, reprinted, rewritten or recirculated without written permission.

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